Update available for pCon.basket: Create order PDF’s

Our online CPQ software pCon.basket PRO and pCon.basket CE, the free community tool for creating article lists, as well as the variant for integration have received an update.

Below you will find an overview and a tutorial video on the new features. More detailed information about the new features of version 2.10 can be found in this document and in the pCon.basket online help.

The brand new update centers around order processing: You’ve created a detailed plan and performed your calculation – now it’s time to finalize your order. Now you can do this in a fast and efficient way with the new update in pCon.basket. Instead of manually compiling all the information in a tedious way, you can now simply export an order and receive a professional order PDF (PRO) with all your relevant data.

NEW: Multi-selection of manufacturers possible (PRO)

From now on there is an option in the order dialog to select several OFML manufacturers at the same time. Previously, it was only possible to select either a single manufacturer or all manufacturers from the offer. Now you can, for example, order from a group of companies that offers several OFML manufacturer catalogs.

Learn about new features in the tutorial video

Take a moment to watch the tutorial video we created for you. It takes you step-by-step through the new features, including how to prepare orders for separate manufacturers and easily transfer various supplier, billing and shipping address information from the header data. Discover the full potential of the new pCon.basket features and get the best out of it for yourself.

Interested in using pCon.basket?

pCon.basket PRO and CE work with your pCon account. Take a look at pCon-solutions.com/basket for more information and to get a trial version of pCon.basket PRO.

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You should also check out our YouTube channel to find helpful tutorials on pCon.basket and pCon.planner.

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