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EasternGraphics Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Os. Piastów 65/321
31-625 Kraków

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Travel by train

From Erfurt, it will take you an hour of journey time through the Thuringian Basin to Ilmenau. Coming from Saalfeld or Schweinfurt, you can change trains in Arnstadt.

At Ilmenau railroad station, you can change from train to taxi in order to get to EasternGraphics. Our head office also is in easy walking distance from the railroad station: It will take about ten minutes to get to EasternGraphics.

Travel by airplane

If you want to travel by airplane, we recommend the international airports of Halle/Leipzig (about 1h 45min to Ilmenau by car) or Frankfurt (about 2h 30min to Ilmenau by car) as airports of arrival. Erfurt airport, as the one closest to Ilmenau, only has a few regular flights during vacation season.

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